welcome to lenordsNet
-enjoy my ramblings
-Yama Crawler
-Selenium-Based Web Crawler
-Yama is a powerful web crawler/scraper based on Selenium and Java. - Built for and used in a commercial application by yours truly
-Mavlib Gen
-Modern Mavlink C generator
-This is what happens when I get fed up with a protocols reference - implementation (after using it for over 4 years)
-Why buy a quad when you can build it
-Darkstar was my first foray into building my own drone. I used a - mixture - of open source software and some of my own stuff to get the hunk of junk into the air -
-Pallet Desk
-Reliable and cheap desk
-Building my dream desk on a poor-college-student budget. The end - result: a portable and rock solid desk with a couple of flaws
-My Website
-Is this meta
-A post on my website about how I built my website? Yep. Turns out - things aren't quite plug 'n play when you're a stubborn engineer who wants something to - function in a very specific way
-LS-1 Synth
-Music to my ears
-I find that I learn best by doing. So when I starting considering - getting into the extremely expensive hobby of analog modular synths, I figured - the best way to start would be to build my own. The results aren't terribly impressive, - but helped me learn a whole ton along the way